Monday, August 15

My first vehicle: L D Lambretta 150

A Lambretta was the the primary mode of transport in Italy. The lambretta has some unique features like a robust shaft drive, good torque and sturdy chassis.

This was my first vehicle, the LD Lambretta 150 1956, I received from my brother in 1971. It was a second hand. Initially it needed some sprucing up.A lot of hands on experiences were gained whilst using her.

The lambretta being unique also has many intricate built ins. The final drive being via shaft, it has a crown wheel pinion like a differential. It needed a lot of attention as it was not functioning as desired.

As I progressed, one realized that there is a specific setting to be achieved through shims, fitted on either side to get the required result.

Eventually the end result, if one knows the machine, then its a beauty.

I have ridden her many miles without any hiccups to far off places, like Bombay to Bulsar in Gujarat on many occasions, as also Bombay to Pune.

Today she is one of my prize possession.

Me riding the LD on the Bombay-Pune highway

My nephew Abhijeet playing with his toy Lambretta
The LD with its initial colour
Abhijeet again with the real LD


  1. very nice, is this bike for sale..??

  2. @Anthony: Sorry, this bike is not for sale.
    Keep visiting....

  3. Sudarshan,
    This is truly beautiful. I bought an Enfield in Pune 12 years ago and stripped it to the bare bolts to rebuild from the ground up. At the time I almost bought a perfectly re-storable 65 Lambretta... wish I would have!
    Good for you and your beautiful Lambretta!
